We are pleased to announce that Neoen, advised by Astris Finance, was awarded a power purchase agreement (“PPA”) in the Third Mexican Long Term Renewable Energy Auction for a 378 MWp solar PV project in the state of Aguascalientes. Neoen’s project is the largest PV plant that was selected in the auction. The 15-year PPA for energy and 20 year for clean energy certificates (“CEL”) start date is July 2020.
According to Mexico’s National Center for Energy Control (CENACE) which organized the auction, the average price of the projects awarded was USD 20.57/MWh, which makes Mexico the most competitive renewable energy market in Latin America. Among the winners, Neoen’s project is the largest renewable energy plant and offers one of the lowest prices.
Astris is now working with Neoen on the financing of the project for which closing is expected during the course of 2018.